Silent Pass 2015Riding a Speedwerx Supercharger in Silent Pass, Golden BC on a 2015 Arctic Cat M8000 SP Ltd. 153" 2.6 track. Great friends plus great snow equals another awesome day in the mountains!!GSR April RideGuided trip in April last season to Quartz Creek! Amazing snow, amazing views, amazing guests! Thanks for a great day guys! To book a trip like this one visit GoldenSnowmobileRentals.comLost GoProRyan and I went for a ride last winter to scope a new riding area. We lost this GoPro on the way in bush wacking... Well I went back a few days back (Sept. 9th) to find the camera and clear some b...SunPowDayAmazing last week with tons of fresh snow and even sun... it's rare to have both in one day, but to have a whole week of it! Golden BC Pow is like no other even in March! Winter is awesome, but s...GSRpowDayGolden Snowmobile Rentals and Tours had a day out with an awesome father son combo! Great people to spend a day with! Our terrain offers little something for everyone from beginner to advanced. ...Golden Snowmobile Rentals RideAmazing day with great guests from Switzerland and right here in Canada! We got to ride some deep powder snow in the trees and had some easy alpine touring late in the afternoon along with some cl...ViperCatRipTwo video clips spliced together one from riding a Yamaha Viper Turbo MCXpress and one riding a 2014 Arctic Cat ProClimb 8000 Ltd 153". Loving both sleds this year and struggle between the two of ...Snowmobile Golden NovemberWe were out testing some snow a few days back! This terrain is deep in our Tenure, but regularly produces some great snow conditions! If you are interested in checking out this terrain call us at...GSR PROMO WEB SMALLGolden Snowmobile Rentals and Tours promotional video from a few years back!